Aquarium Tips

When it comes to Aquarium, we've been there, done that, now serving 116 tips in 11 categories ranging from Aquarium Fish Food to Water Chemistry.

What plants are good for my tank?

hard to kill plants

Many hobbyist think that aquatic plants are impossible to keep or grow. Wwell think again. The hardiest plants are here available to most hobbyist . The "Java Fern" and the "Anubias " plants are the easiest and hardiest of all aquatic plants. These two species require minimum lighthing and care.
Both grow and propagte at a minimal good growth.The java fern propagates by rhizome and its leaves shoots baby plants. As for the anubias the come in several varities. the "nana" and "barteri" variety are so far the most popular. The other advantage you will have with these aquatic plants is you literally can put or house them with even tropical fish that just cannot resist to nibble on plants. so all in all recommended for begginers and all who love aquatic plants.

What is revese osmosis?

Reverse osmosis best practices

Reverse osmosis filters consist of a sediment prefilter used to remove physical sediment such as dirt and sand from water. A carbon prefilter is also used to remove chlorine from the tap water. The final stage in a reverse osmosis filter is the membrane itself. The membrane uses rejection to allow only pure water to pass through, while non pure water is rejected out the drain (or brine) line. Reverse osmosis filters operate best with at least 55 psi of water pressure and the input water temperature of at least 60 degrees. Without these parameters met, the amount of product water produced each day is greatly reduced.

What are Deionization or DI filters used for?

Deionization or DI best practices

Deionization or DI filters strip water of 96% to 99% of all impurities. The use of a pre-filtration system, such as a reverse osmosis filter, will greatly extend the life span of the DI filter. DI filters also alter the property of water by removing electrolytes from the water during the filtration process. Avoid drinking water purified with a DI filter because the lack of electrolytes will cause the DI water to strip the electrolytes from your body.

What do you feed a fish?

Pelletized Food

Pellet aquarium food is available in all sizes suitable for small, medium and large fish. Pellet food will float on the surface or slowly sink to the bottom, depending on the specific type of pellets. Larger fish and finiky eaters will generally accept pellets over flake food. Choose the size of the pellet according to the size of your fish for to avoid uneaten pellets from cloging the filter.

What do you feed a fish?

Feeding Flake Food

Flake food is commonly overfed to aquarium fish. Keep in mind that an aquarium fish's stomach is generally the size of their eye. Feed only the amount of flake food that the fish will consume in 30 to 60 seconds. Two very small feedings per day is better than one large feeding per day. Excess food will decrease the water quality and increase filter maintenance.

What do you feed a fish?

Flake Food Types

Flake food is the most common food for feeding aquarium fish. Flake food is available in several different varieties from vegatable flakes to high protein content flakes to goldfish flakes. These specialty diets are designed for specific types of fish to optimize their color, growth, and health in the aquarium.

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